Collaboration and learning

Participant hospitals in ISQIC can take advantage of education and networking opportunities that includes:

  • Formal Quality Improvement (QI) and Process Improvement (PI) Curriculum. Formal process improvement training through online modules and in-person training sessions
  • Project Management Training. Training on effective project management skills
  • Hospital Leadership Engagement. Training and guidance for engaging the hospital’s board in ISQIC initiatives and surgical quality improvement.
  • Best Practice Guidelines. Evidence-based best practices
  • Surgical QI Case Studies. Examples of how others previously examined and addressed high rates of common postoperative complications.
  • Toolkits. Step-by-step guide on how to effectively implement QI initiatives.
  • Semi-Annual Meetings. In-person conferences to facilitate sharing of experiences, work on common projects, and conduct process improvement training.
  • Team Meetings. Meetings to foster communication among hospital teams, discuss cases, and implement QI/PI projects.
  • Statewide Collaborative Quality Improvement Projects (CQIP). QI projects that are identified by our Steering Committee and participating hospitals to address statewide need. Carried out with support from Mentors, Coaches and Coordinating Center.
  • Hospital-specific QI Projects. QI projects identified by individual hospital QI teams to address a specific area of poor performance.